Crisis Planning
We bring together journalists and former Communication Directors to challenge, develop and test your Crisis Communications plans, processes and people so you are fully prepared to defend your reputation during a crisis.
“In addition to media training we can prepare your team for a crisis, defined as: “an intense, unexpected and unstable state that disrupts normal operations and risks highly undesirable outcomes that requires extraordinary measures to restore stability”. And crises are rarely singular in nature. They escalate; they often become multi-dimensional; they can start online or offline.
Corporate reputation on the line, there are few second chances for a Communications Director advising the Board at critical moments. Crisis preparation is not a single-time inoculation but an ongoing process of review and testing, forged in the practical not the theoretical.
Journalists dredge up stories you thought were history; they constantly find new angles to the story and seek to unearth more information than their competitors. Your ‘trial by media’ will involve the media questioning you on all aspects of the organisation including those not directly related to the crisis. They want to know what happened, how did it happen, why did it happen, what are you going to do about it and who is to blame? You want your spokespeople to support your crisis communication strategy: minimise publicity, terminate long term coverage, preserve public confidence, ensure balance and emerge stronger.Confidence comes from experience. Experience comes from learning. And a crisis is no time to start learning.
Crisis Communications Plan Audit and Development
We provide you with an assessment of your existing crisis communication plan’s effectiveness, reviewing its scope, completeness and state of readiness. More »
Crisis Media Training
Intensive media training centred on an escalating mock crisis scenario to give your spokespeople the skills and confidence to communicate successfully in a crisis. More »
Reputation Risk Assessment
Engages your team with the organisation’s reputational risks and identifies some of the key areas of vulnerability. More »
Crisis Exercises
Creating realistic, interactive simulations for handling issues and crises that emerge online and offline to test your plans, processes and people. More »