About Us

Andrew Caesar-Gordon


Who We Are

Electric Airwaves was born in 1983 to serve the needs of Communications Directors. Our media training helps teach their spokespeople both what to say and how to say it.


What We Do

Operating globally from our central London TV and radio studios, we have delivered media training for a third of the current FTSE100 and thousands of other organisations in the private, public and third sectors, along with high profile individuals in politics, the media and sport. Our company’s story is entwined with the UK’s media revolution over the last 40 years and its impact on the role of Communications Directors.

The proliferation of broadcasters and newspapers since 1973 has made PR and Communications a more proactive business. Since the financial crisis of 2008, business has moved from being tucked away between features and football, to the front page. Corporate reputation is now on the frontline.

Communication Directors seek to influence bloggers and social media 24/7 as well as journalists. More than ever, organisations need to create a single memorable story that everyone can remember and repeat. They still need spokespeople to talk to journalists; they also need a clear, concise and compelling story that everyone in the organisation can communicate confidently and consistently.

Communication Directors are now the organisation’s story police and everyone needs to say the right things. Electric Airwaves provides industry leading media training to enable spokespeople to communicate the organisation’s story credibly and memorably. This is and has always been Electric Airwaves’ mission.


Where We Do It

We deliver training for you at our own central London TV and radio studios in Soho which offer a genuine media environment for the training, free from the distractions of the office; or we can come to your offices with all the necessary camera and sound equipment; or we can deliver it through apps like Zoom and MS Teams. Here’s a picture of our TV studio to whet your appetite.

New Studio Main

Our Team

Our team of 50 UK and overseas-based journalists has the insight, experience and expertise to develop stories with you that will resonate locally. They then teach spokespeople the techniques that will enable them to communicate your story effectively and for specific print and broadcast media outlets in the UK and across the world.

The company is owned and led by former FTSE100 Communications leader and Government Special Adviser, Andrew Caesar-Gordon. Do ring and ask to speak with him about your training needs.

Andrew Caesar-Gordon

Andrew Caesar-Gordon biography
Managing Director

What We’re Like To Work With

We’re definitely EXPERT. We blend the disciplines of journalism, PR and branding to guide our clients. Our MD worked in corporate communications for a FTSE 100 company and was a government Special Adviser; all our trainers are journalists; we’ve been going for over 30 years – so you could say we know what we’re doing. And we always have an eye – and an ear – for what’s coming next.

You’ll find us FRIENDLY, for at heart we’re a people business. Creating warm and friendly connections makes for a successful business and achieves greater results for our clients.

Lucy - Media Trainer
Media Training interview

We like FUN. Practical, frontline reputation management is a serious business. But we believe in making sure our clients enjoy the learning process. So you’ll often hear laughter across the office and from our studios during a training session.

And we’re WELCOMING. Dealing with the media and finding your message and voice can be a daunting task. So we create a warm environment that makes our clients feel comfortable, less intimidated and ready to learn the art of practical, frontline reputation management.

Lucy - Media Trainer

We’re definitely EXPERT. We blend the disciplines of journalism, PR and branding to guide our clients. Our MD worked in corporate communications for a FTSE 100 company and was a government Special Adviser; all our trainers are journalists; we’ve been going for over 30 years – so you could say we know what we’re doing. And we always have an eye – and an ear – for what’s coming next.

You’ll find us FRIENDLY, for at heart we’re a people business. Creating warm and friendly connections makes for a successful business and achieves greater results for our clients.

Media Training interview

We like FUN. Practical, frontline reputation management is a serious business. But we believe in making sure our clients enjoy the learning process. So you’ll often hear laughter across the office and from our studios during a training session.

And we’re WELCOMING. Dealing with the media and finding your message and voice can be a daunting task. So we create a warm environment that makes our clients feel comfortable, less intimidated and ready to learn the art of practical, frontline reputation management.

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